The good news about the dumpster fire that was 2020 is that we’ve got nowhere to go but up in 2021. At least, that’s what we’re telling ourselves. But as the new year begins, we think it’s time for some introspection and some virtual pats on the back. The catastrophic year is finally over, and you’ve lived to tell the tale. And in the process, you’ve developed more resilience.

That’s amazing.

And it’s something that you shouldn’t take for granted. Because it turns out, resilience is a trait that is developed, not inherited. 

According to this 2012 article from the American Psychological Association (APA), resilience is born of a combination of thoughts and actions that anyone can learn. And you can strengthen your ability to weather difficulty by:

  • building and maintaining strong connections,
  • taking care of yourself,
  • finding a motivating purpose, 
  • staying positive, and
  • seeking professional help if and when you need it.

We were pretty gratified to read this list, because most of these bullet points are things we’ve already talked about on our blog throughout 2020. We have tried to bring you tiny rays of hope and sunshine through our posts by talking about socializing remotely, the importance of self-care, staying sane by helping others, and challenging yourself to practice gratitude

It turns out, these ideas aren’t just for getting you through a hard day or week.  They actually prime you to build resilience for the long-term.

Building resilience is like building a muscle. It requires pain, sweat and time, and the process of getting there can be a drag. But in the end, it makes you stronger and more powerful. And that’s something that will serve us all well, in 2021 and beyond.

Here’s to a positive and productive new year wherein each of us becomes stronger and more resilient. Happy New Year!

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