If you’re on the keto diet, you already know that eating more healthy fats and fewer empty carbohydrates can help you lose weight and feel great. The fat helps you stay full, which keeps you on track for your weight-loss goals.

That is, until you go out to eat. 

It is really difficult to find a keto meal at a restaurant, which stinks if you enjoy eating out. 

But with a little preparation, you can enjoy eating out without wrecking your diet progress. Here are five easy ways to do it:

Eat a bit ahead of time

This is the most important tip. Arriving hungry is a recipe for regret. Making sure you’re not starving is the best way to avoid bad choices. 

Choose the restaurant

Weigh in and choose a keto-friendly place. A sushi restaurant can be a good choice if you stick with sashimi and vegetables. You can also put together a keto meal relatively easily at a steakhouse. 

Plan ahead

Most restaurants post their menus online, so plan your meal in advance! In this way, you can eliminate bad choices associated with ordering on an empty stomach.

In some cases, you might luck out with ready-made, keto-friendly options. If not, though, you may find that you can cobble together a meal that meets your needs by ordering an appetizer and a side dish. For example, at a barbecue restaurant, order braised pork belly—hold the sauce—and a side of broccoli.

Come prepared

If you know your destination is not keto-friendly, pack key ingredients that will help you change that. Take along a low-carb wrap if going to a sandwich shop. Then you just order the fillings and assemble your own sandwich. Or, just eat sandwich fillings without bread. 

Bringing your own salad dressing or sauce is another great way to stick to your goals. Make sure you are carrying it in a container with a secure lid.

Give yourself a break

If all else fails, remember that one splurge won’t derail you completely. Denying yourself is much more likely to result in your spiraling out of control. So if you really want some pizza, eat a small slice. If dessert is your thing, split one with someone, or ask if you can sneak a bite.

Your diet shouldn’t keep you from enjoying an evening out with friends and loved ones. So follow our tips to make good choices while staying connected.

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